7 tips to help you stick to your diet

If you’ve started on a diet, the first step has already been taken. But while getting started is still relatively easy for most, it often becomes a problem if you want to stick to your diet. Sooner or later, situations always arise that make it difficult for you. Here I would like to give you some tips to help you successfully achieve your goal with diet.13

At the beginning of the diet, it all depends on your will to change something. However, over time, other important factors, events and habits come into play. They can quickly put a wrench in the works. It doesn’t matter if you are on a low carb diet, low fat diet, or IIFYM. Sooner or later, your environment or your inner piglet will put you ahead of the exams.

It is especially difficult to continue if you are following an especially strict crash diet. Such a diet especially restricts you in your daily life, and also often improves your mood. This is why I am developing a fast food concept that is a little more suited to everyday use and therefore easier to maintain. Your best bet is to subscribe to our newsletter. There you will first find out if there is anything new in my turbo diet.

But how do you deal with it when you face a problem in your diet? How can you stick to your diet anyway? With the right approach, you are always well prepared and can handle difficult circumstances. In this article, I want to give you some helpful tips on how to do this.

Over time, through my training, and also through personal events, I have often seen diets or long-term dietary changes not working. Today I will share with you some common problems and give you 7 valuable tips on how you can deal with these traps and thus maintain your diet.

obstacles to diet

Starting a diet is relatively easy. The motivation for the first step is rapidly increasing. Unfortunately, there will soon be situations that will test your project. These are everyday things that you probably haven’t thought of before. Let me show you some examples:

  • Muesli for breakfast: Muesli is usually not allowed on a low-carb diet. So if you ate delicious muesli every morning, you will already encounter the first obstacle here. Every morning you start to overcome yourself.
  • Good work colleagues. Who doesn’t know that? Someone from the office has a birthday or just brings something to colleagues. Cake, chocolate or gummy bears are already in front of your nose. It takes a lot of willpower to stay strong. In addition, colleagues are somehow expected to do something.
  • Lunch: At work, you go to lunch with your work colleagues. Most go to the cafeteria or local (fast) restaurant. While others are ordering pasta, pizza or fries (like you used to), you order a salad … That doesn’t make eating healthy at work very easy …
  • Apartment after work: After a long and tiring day at work, you fall tired on the sofa at home. Admittedly, it’s not easy to get motivated to exercise in the evening after work. Plus, you’re now threatened by old eating habits like the chips or cola you’ve always enjoyed drinking on the couch … or worse …
  • Beer After Work: A classic of the bad habits that make many diets fail. Since alcohol and fitness do not go together, you should at least limit your alcohol intake if you want to successfully diet.

These are just a few examples of the obstacles that must be overcome if you want to stick to your diet. The following tips will help you better deal with these issues.

Tip 1. Find out if you want to stick to a diet

Reading brings you many benefits in life. This also applies to the implementation of your diet. Reading a diet book or books before and during your diet is of some benefit to you if you want to stick to your diet.

First, of course, it’s good if you know the type of diet. It gives you the security and knowledge to deal with different situations. If you have considered the advantages and disadvantages and possible disadvantages of your chosen diet, you will be less surprised and more likely to know what to do.

On the other hand, there is, of course, an important motivational aspect. This can be done with motivational sections to help you gain control of your inner bastard, or by keeping the topic high. Continuous interaction with this topic also plays an important role. Reading about your diet every day will help you learn even faster if you are currently breaking your dietary requirements.

By the way, I have a pig killer also wrote a book in which I will talk about my tried and tested 7-step strategy that will help you overcome your inner bastard and achieve your goals more easily. Of course, this strategy can be used for more than just dieting, but it is very effective if you want to stick to your diet.

Of course, you can not only inform and motivate in the classical way about books. There are also numerous nutrition and fitness blogs (like this one), websites and YouTube channels that can serve the same purpose. However, always be skeptical about these online sources, ask questions about what you think is Spanish, rather than just accept them.

There are also many good books for the lazy, like audiobooks. I regularly receive audiobooks from Audible * so I can listen to them on the go or while exercising.

Tip 2: Talk to Others About Your Diet

Eating a diet is a good thing to talk about with other people. This way you internalize your project. At the same time, you are also creating an external commitment type. This makes the change much more difficult. After all, you don’t want others to know about your failure.

So talk to people close to you about your weight loss plans. Then, they should regularly ask you how your diet is going. Handle this better if you’re not sure they will anyway. This will help you stick to your diet.

If you want to turn the Ferris wheel, you can of course report it on social media and promise to post updates there regularly. I also met some people who started blogging about their diet and keeping their environment up to date.

For me, this blog is also an important incentive why I exercise so regularly and it is always a little easier for me to stick to my diet.

Tip 3: Get (Motivating) Support

As mentioned earlier, it makes sense to use your family, friends, and acquaintances as support. It helps you a lot in your daily life if you want to stick to your diet. It’s easy without having to do a lot with mental support, asking, and implicit expectation. But your best bet is to find someone who will go a little further and maybe even put together a diet with you. Plus, there are many good reasons for a learning partner if you don’t already have one.

Which is also very useful if you are bringing in a professional. If you’re struggling to stick to your diet, a personal trainer or nutritionist can certainly help you navigate some breeds. After all, in their work they always deal with people who face similar problems.

Tip 4: Remember You Are Not Alone

According to surveys, it is estimated that about one in two German adults have already been on a diet at least once in their life. So you are not alone on your journey. Hundreds of thousands of people are dieting in the same place as you. Many others have already gone through at least one diet and have had good and bad experiences. You can benefit from this.

You can read blogs and testimonials, join a community, or simply look for like-minded people in a personal environment to exchange opinions and more motivation. Every problem you run into has probably already been someone else before, and I’m sure someone else has already solved it.

Tip 5: Remember your reasons regularly

Whenever you stumble upon a path to your destination, it makes sense to recalibrate yourself. This is a good opportunity to focus on your goal and motivation. In the end, nothing motivates like a strong reason. So always make yourself understand why you want to lose weight. What’s behind this? What’s driving you?

If you don’t know why, then it’s time to do it.

Tip 6: clarify the situation: your goal is closer than you think

Outside, the duration of the diet is not that great. So take different points of view from time to time. Think about how much time you’ve wasted eating too much and too much junk food. By comparison, a few weeks or months are completely manageable.

Imagine how you look and how you feel when you set a goal or even your first stop along the way. Imagine how to take steps to get there. If you can, you can do it there.

Tip 7: Replace habits slowly, don’t remove them

On a diet, you are suddenly trying to get rid of a number of bad habits. This is often too much at the same time. Therefore, I advise you to focus on one change after another. Even the impact of small changes can be dramatic. This also applies to diet.

In addition, it is especially difficult for our subconscious to accept “take something away” from him without giving him something else. Therefore, if you want to break an old bad habit, it makes sense to create and replace a new good habit at the same time.

Stick to your diet conclusion

Being able to diet successfully isn’t usually a walk. Sooner or later, you will run into problems. However, if you have set a goal to lose weight and really want to achieve it, then you can do it.

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